Giving Baby Beef Jerky Choking Hazard

Baby-Led Weaning & Choking: Prevention Tips & Loftier-Gamble Choking Hazards To Avoid

Updated on 27 May 2022 • 11 minute read

Can Babe-Led Weaning Cause Choking?

Did you know that around 12,435 children under 14 years of age are treated in Usa hospitals annually because of choking? Around 37.8% of these cases are children in their kickoff yr . (i)

Choking is one of the top fears of parents starting their babies on solids.

It can be scary to come across your baby gag on food or purées.

Interestingly, studies really show that babies might have the same gamble of choking during BLW ( baby-led weaning ) as infants post-obit traditional spoon-feeding . (2)(3)(iv)

Still, with proper safety checks and preparation, choking may be prevented.

It's of import to ensure that you offering foods with a lower risk of choking , no thing what weaning arroyo you choose.

Your pediatrician can also provide you lot with more information about avoiding choking hazards and preparing foods that are safety for your child to eat.

Tin a six- month-old choke on finger nutrient or toast? Can a babe asphyxiate on bananas, scrambled eggs, peas, rice, or soft food? Are at that place other ways to foreclose babe-led weaning choking besides eliminating these food hazards?

Find answers to these questions and learn more than about BLW choking below.

How Often Do Babies Choke During Baby-Led Weaning ?

As many as 35% of babies betwixt six to 8 months of age may experience choking at least once. But studies show that infants following the baby-led weaning method may non be more than likely to choke than spoon-fed babies. (2)(iii)(four)

Based on these studies, infants can choke whether they're following the traditional spoon-fed weaning method or BLW ( infant-led weaning ) approach.

What Do Babies Choke On Most?

Food is the most mutual cause of choking incidents , simply many toys and household items are also considered a choking adventure .

From 2001 to 2009, as many as 111,914 children were hospitalized in the US for nonfatal nutrient-related choking. (ane)

Of all food types, the following accounted for the most number of choking incidents : (1)

  • Hard candy (15.5% or 16,168 cases)
  • Other types of candy (12.viii% or 13,324 cases)
  • Meat (12.2% or 12,671 cases)
  • Bone (12.0% or 12,496 cases)

The New York State Department of Health educates parents that a young child's windpipe (trachea or airway ) is approximately the size of a drinking straw. (5)

That's 1 of the reasons why choking is the fourth almost mutual cause of unintentional deaths in children nether five years of age . (v)

To reduce choking risks , proceed small, difficult objects (nutrient and non-food) out of your kid's reach.

Can A vi- Month-Erstwhile Choke On Finger Food ?

Yes, a child this historic period (or even older) can choke on finger food .

To reduce the risk of choking incidents , avoid hard foods that your child volition have difficulty chewing and swallowing. Instead, choose soft finger foods , such as steamed carrots or chicken drumsticks (cooked until tender).

Can My half-dozen- Month-One-time Choke On Toast?

Yes, your niggling ane tin can choke on toast at this historic period. To help prevent that from happening, remove the crust and lightly toast the bread before cut it into bite-sized pieces appropriate for their age.

You can also cut the toast into strips so that your child can concur 1 end while nibbling from the other.

Tin can A Baby Choke On Banana?

Bananas aren't considered a common choking hazard , but they may crusade gagging because they can become stuck within your baby's rima oris .

However, you have to lookout your child closely while eating because even a toothless baby can easily cutting off a large piece that might be too big for them to swallow. It can potentially be a choking hazard.

Note that processed bananas similar fries or stale bananas can be a choking hazard because they're too hard for your baby to chew.

Can A Baby Choke On Scrambled Eggs?

Scrambled eggs aren't considered a common choking gamble , only y'all still have to be careful if your child takes bigger bites that they tin't eat properly. The food tin get stuck in their throat.

To serve scrambled eggs, make certain you cut them in seize with teeth-sized pieces appropriate for their age.

Is Rice A Choking Take chances For Babies?

Yes. Surprisingly, rice and other grains are considered a choking chance by the CDC (Heart for Disease Control and Prevention). (vi)

Rice and other grains like quinoa and oats are pocket-sized and aren't likely to block your baby'southward throat. But the pieces can scatter while your baby eats and get aspirated into their airway . It tin lead to discomfort and lots of coughing.

Encourage your child to merely accept small bites to prevent that from happening. Y'all can likewise mix the rice with hummus or yogurt to bind the grains together.

Also, ensure that your kid sits upright properly to reduce the risk of nutrient going to their airways .

If possible, nevertheless, avoid giving rice to your babe.

Nosotros don't recommend rice as a main or regular part of babies' diets because it contains high levels of arsenic, a heavy metal that may cause an increased risk of certain cancers. It can also pb to decreased IQ and brain or motor development problems. (7)(8)

Are Peas A Choking Hazard For An xi- Month-Onetime ?

Peas are round and can sometimes go swallowed whole. But their diameter is too small to be considered a choking hazard for a child this age (if eaten individually).

Still, your kid can potentially choke on peas if they swallow more than ane pea at a fourth dimension. To foreclose choking episodes with this food, you tin lightly mash it so information technology won't be round. You can also encourage your child to refrain from putting too much of it in their oral cavity.

Can Babies Choke On Soft Food?

Similar hard foods , soft ones can cause gagging . But they're rarely considered a choking hazard unless your child bites off a large chunk (such every bit a banana) that's also big for them to consume.

Nonetheless, kids in their first year up to 3 years sometime may have the highest risk of choking from food and not-food objects. So, it'south important to e'er supervise them while eating, even if you only give them soft foods.

How Do You Prevent Choking In Babe-Led Weaning ?

Wait Until Your Child Is Ready

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends exclusive breastfeeding for babies 6 months of age and below. Only some babies may already be prepare for solid foods by four months of age. (9)

Every child is different, just your baby may be ready for solid foods if they show these signs:

  • Sits up on their own (with or without support)
  • Can control their neck and head
  • Shows interest in food (opens oral cavity, leans forward, or tries to grab food)
  • Swallows food instead of trying to push button it out involuntarily (tongue-thrust reflex)

However, Dr. Gill Rapley, the pioneer of baby-led weaning , reminds parents to wait until their children are truly ready for solid foods . (10)

She explains:

" The trouble is that it's tempting to meet more power in ane'due south kid than is actually there, and to offering merely that trivial bit of aid to enable them to achieve a particular goal.

Mostly, this doesn't matter, but when it comes to eating, a baby'south power – or inability – to manage the necessary sequence of actions is an important safety cistron.

'Helping' them over a hurdle they cannot yet manage for themselves (east.grand. by providing extra support to sit down upwardly or reach out, guiding their arm towards their mouth, or – worse – putting the food into their oral fissure 'for them') is potentially hazardous. "

Let Your Baby Self-Feed

The all-time way to support your child in babe-led weaning is to brand sure you understand the concept and learn how to keep meals as safe as possible.

Dr. Rapley explains that trust is a big factor in BLW . You lot must trust your baby's instincts and give them a hazard to do things their way. (10)

She points out that a infant's "achievement" is really an developed's goal, not indicating the child'southward success or failure.

So, if a child doesn't manage to put food in their mouth, information technology's not an actual failure. It may be considering your child isn't ready for information technology, despite showing signs of readiness.

It's of import to understand that your part in baby-led weaning is to requite your child the opportunity to do whatever they're set for. You prepare safe and salubrious foods for your kid, but everything else is up to them.

You can't help babe choose the foods you desire them to eat or make them eat the meal faster. They should be immune to choice what they want from what's served, consume as much or as little of it, and complete the meal at their ain stride.

Seek Communication From Health Professionals

Pediatricians , dietitians , nutritionists, and other health professionals can help you decide whether your child is ready for babe-led weaning .

They can also offer more information most choking hazards and how y'all can ensure your kid'southward safety during mealtimes .

The Departure Betwixt Gagging & Choking

Although choking and gagging might seem similar, they're different. (11)

Gagging is due to the infant's gag reflex , a safety mechanism that can foreclose choking.

You might also notice your kid gag on the nutrient they gustation for the commencement fourth dimension. It can happen whether you're spoon-feeding them purée or they're eating finger foods in baby-led weaning.

Signs of gagging tin can include:

  • Loudly cough, gurgling, or sputtering
  • Bringing dorsum or regurgitating food back into their mouth
  • The tongue may be thrust forward
  • Spitting up or vomiting
  • Possibly red-faced

If you see these signs of gagging , don't endeavour to help your kid or cease them from spitting up. Doing that can atomic number 82 to choking.

Gagging is oftentimes mistaken for choking, but it's actually a normal office of trying new foods.

Recognize Early Signs Of Choking

Choking happens when something blocks your child's airways . It's important to remove this blockage as quickly but safely equally possible.

Because it's unsafe, you should learn to recognize these early signs of choking:

  • Struggling to breathe or cough
  • Loftier-pitched sound while breathing
  • Face up and lips might turn blueish
  • Terrified wait

Choking episodes can be quiet because your baby might take a hard time making a sound.

Limit Distractions

It might exist easier to requite spoon-fed infants some nutrient when they're distracted, only your child'southward undivided attending is of import in baby-led feeding. It can minimize choking incidents and let your kid focus on the food and feeding themselves.

So, avoid letting your child lookout man TV, use the cellphone, or play with toys during mealtimes .

Always Watch Your Baby During Meals

The bore of a young kid'south airways is only around the size of a drinking straw, and then they may besides choke on a minor piece of nutrient .

Avoid multitasking while feeding your babe. Note that choking episodes tin can be repose. You lot might not observe your child choking when you're doing something else, even if y'all're just an arm's length abroad.

Recognize and Avoid High-Gamble Choking Foods

The CDC considers the following every bit potential choking hazards for young children: (6)

Fruits And Veggies

  • Whole corn kernels (cooked or raw)
  • Whole ruby-red tomatoes
  • Whole pieces of canned fruits
  • Hard fruits or vegetables, such as raw apples or carrots
  • Whole grapes , berries, cherries, or melon balls
  • Dried vegetables or fruits, such as raisins

These foods may be safe for your infant if cooked until tender and cut into smaller, more manageable pieces.


  • Chopped or whole nuts and seeds
  • Seed or nut butters , such every bit peanut butter (gluey consistency and peculiarly with chunky $.25)
  • Large, tough chunks of meat
  • Hot dogs , sausages, meat sticks, or other candy meats
  • Large chunks of cheese, especially stickier ones like string cheese
  • Bones in meat
  • Fish with basic
  • Whole beans

It may be alright to serve your child with meat on larger bones (such equally ribs) but be careful of smaller, broken pieces of bones.

In giving meat to your baby, ensure that it'south cooked until tender.

Grain Products

  • Cookies, teething biscuits , granola bars, or similar snacks
  • Crackers
  • Hard snack items like potato or corn chips, popcorn, or pretzels
  • Bread with seeds, whole-grain kernels, or nut pieces
  • Manifestly wheat germ
  • Whole grain kernels of cooked wheat, barley, or other grains

Aside from being choking hazards , some of these grains (such as wheat, barley, and rye) contain gluten, a mutual allergen.

Sweetened Foods

  • Round or hard candy, jelly beans, caramels, gumdrops, or viscous candies
  • Chewy fruit snacks
  • Chewing gum
  • Marshmallows

Avoid giving sweetened foods to your baby. Aside from being choking hazards , these sweetness treats lack nutritional value, and added carbohydrate can increment the take a chance of obesity. (12)

Offer Foods Appropriate For Their Historic period

Gear up your baby'south foods according to their age and developmental stages.

For 4-9 Months

  • You lot can give food slices or spears the size of 2 adult fingers' width to children upward to ix months old. They can agree on to the food while nibbling on the top portion.
  • At this stage, they haven't learned or mastered holding food with their thumb and index finger (pincer grasp), and so they'll usually whorl all their fingers around the item before bringing it to their oral cavity.
  • But yous can slowly innovate them to cubes of soft fruits or cooked veggies every bit they get older .
  • Meat on the bone (like ribs or drumsticks) can exist platonic for your baby to crumb on some meat without choking on a large piece of whole bone.

For 9+ Months

  • You can give them bite-sized nutrient pieces.
  • As they develop their pincer grasp, they can learn to pick up smaller pieces of nutrient .
  • Kids this age may already take some teeth they can use to chew on food, simply refrain from giving them raw apples or other hard foods because these remain equally choking hazards at this age range. It's best to continue cooking these until soft before giving them to your baby.

When Can I Serve Harder Foods To My Infant ?

  • You may starting time giving harder foods similar raw apples when your child is one year onetime and to a higher place. Simply still, ensure yous supervise your kid while eating so they won't accept big bites that are difficult to chew and swallow.
  • Offering a variety of foods , but keep checking for potential choking hazards .

Choose A Proper Spot For Eating

  • Don't permit your niggling 1 eat in the car unless someone who knows BLW and first aid is sitting with them.
  • Avoid letting your child run, crawl, or walk effectually while eating.
  • If possible, choose a proper highchair with a footrest.

Stability and residuum are of import in self-feeding rubber. So, Dr. Rapley recommends getting a high chair with a footrest. (13)

If your baby is too tiny for the high chair you lot bought, she recommends putting a rolled-up towel around their hips to fill the space. A pocket-size towel placed between your child'south legs can too assistance them from sliding forward in a slippery high chair .

These loftier chairs with a footrest are adaptable and can grow with your baby:

  • Abiie Beyond Junior Y Wooden High Chair
  • Tripp Trapp High Chair and Absorber with Tray past Stokke

Check Kid's Mouth Later on The Meal

If your child has already stopped eating, don't effort to make them eat more than.

But you lot should check if there'south nonetheless some food left in their mouth considering that tin can become a choking risk .

Check the roof of their mouth or the sides of their cheeks. But don't stick your finger in.

Instead, encourage your child to drinkable some liquid ( breastmilk , formula, or water) to swallow the food or continue chewing. If needed, you tin also inquire them to spit it out.

Learn Outset Aid

It's a good idea to acquire how to perform mutual first-aid procedures.

How can y'all aid a choking baby? Perform the Heimlich maneuver to attempt dislodging the item that caused choking. (fourteen)

Infants In Their Beginning Year

  1. Have someone call emergency services.
  2. Put your baby facedown on your lap.
  3. Support their caput with i hand.
  4. Employ the base of your other hand to deliver five quick, forceful blows between their shoulder blades.

The blows can create a strong vibration that may aid dislodge the blockage. But be careful not to hitting too strongly because the force tin likewise intermission your child'southward back.

So, it'south important to know how to do information technology properly. Y'all tin can attend live courses in your surface area or accept online classes depending on where you live.

Children Older Than One Twelvemonth OId

  1. Let someone call emergency services.
  2. Stand behind the choking kid and wrap your arms around their waist.
  3. With your pollex in, make a fist with one hand.
  4. Put this fist slightly above your child's navel but just below the chest.
  5. Catch the first hand and press your child'due south belly with a quick upward button using your other hand.
  6. Repeat until the object is dislodged.

The sudden inward, upward thrusts may forcefulness the blockage out of your kid'south mouth.

CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)

This procedure should be done if your kid is unresponsive or not animate.

Because it'due south an important procedure that tin also potentially harm your child if done incorrectly, it's best to learn it straight past attending beginning assist classes.

These procedures can save your babe's life while you wait for emergency services to arrive.

Brainwash Caregivers Almost CPR Readiness And BLW

Other people who care for your child should also know about CPR readiness, basic first aid , and the principles of baby-led weaning .

This way, they'll also larn to prepare the correct infant foods , recognize choking signs, and ensure your child can eat independently just safely.

Should I Have My Baby To The Hospital After Choking?

Yes. Even afterward dislodging the blockage, it'southward better to bring your child to the hospital after a choking episode because a piece of the food might take reached their lungs.

What To Watch For Afterwards Choking?

Bring your child to the ER if they go along to feel the following after choking:

  • Coughing
  • Wheezing
  • Trouble breathing
  • Trouble swallowing
  • Oft gags
  • Drools




Fangupo LJ, Heath AM, Williams SM, Erickson Williams LW, Morison BJ, Fleming EA, Taylor BJ, Wheeler BJ, Taylor RW. A Baby-Led Approach to Eating Solids and Risk of Choking . Pediatrics . 2016 Oct;138(4):e20160772. DOI: 10.1542/peds.2016-0772. Epub 2016 Sep xix. PMID: 27647715.



(5) https://world wide

(6) choking-hazards .html



(ix) solid-foods .html


(11) infant-gagging -vs-choking/





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